Sunday 12 February 2012

It is true what they say...

Throughout my pregnancy, I lost count of the numerous pieces of advice and gems of wisdom I had donated to me on a daily basis.

One subject that was rife for discussion was The Labour. More specifically, the Pain of Labour. All manner of stories were told in varying levels of detail and gore. Some told of small manageable pain, others of near death like agony. However, more often than not the end of the story was always the same, that it was So Worth It.

The pain? Forgotten. Oh yes, apparently, we forget this pain quite quickly!

That part always stumped me... How can pain be erased from the mind? And I thought about this in the days after my labour, had I forgotten? Not yet.

However, fast forward 16+ weeks and it appears that I have!

I stubbed my toe yesterday. Really bloody hard. And declared, loudly
"HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THINGS...FUUUUU***IN JEEEZ! Stubbing your toe is the most painful thing in the world ever!"

There you have it.

A slightly purple little toe overshadowed 40 hours of labour. No really.

Yours, dramatic as ever

Katy x

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